Bachanalia: A Portland Bach Experience - WCSH News/207

You don't need to go to all of them, but if you bump into Emily, you may end up staying through each piece, going to all the after parties and wondering how you signed up for singing lessons of the baroque style. Really, her passion is that contagious. You will leave the meeting wanting more Bach, wanting more music, and perhaps even a little tipsy. Come on, you get it, Bachanalia, if Bacchus was listening to Bach, it was certainly part of the soundtrack to the parties he was throwing. And most likely the reverse was true, Johan Sebastian was quite the raconteur, challenging an oboist to a duel, I mean, an oboist? And legend has it, he was often fueled on gin. He was conjuring Bacchus while composing. Or maybe that was Mozart, I get it confused, but these names, they were the rock'n'rollers of another time. You might not think the music of the classics has as much passion as Metalica or The Ramones, think again, they were writing with their hearts and pouring blood onto page.